Export Editor
This is a guide to all the customization functions available in the Export Editor. To access the Export Editor, select Share on your tour or post page, then click on the Get link or embed code button. You can find more info about sharing and embedding in this article.
The options available in the Export Editor are divided into several sections.
The first part, under the label Size is where you can set the size of the player. It is only relevant, if you export an embed code. If you are exporting only a direct link, these settings do not apply.

Checking the "use CSS to set size" box will remove the width and height parameters from the embed code and allow you to define a static or reposnsive size in your CSS styles. Here's a tutorial showing a few cases when this can be useful.
The next section allows you to optimize the player. The tradeoff is always between image quality and load time. You can choose one or the other, depending on your needs.
You can also decide if you want the tour to load automatically or if you'd rather show the visitors a title screen with a play button. The latter will make the embedded tour load faster.

Note: The embed will play automatically only if it is the only embed on the page. If there are more embedded players, only of one them will play automatically, while the rest will show a title screen. This is done to improve performance and loading times and works in a similar way to YouTube video and other media embeds.
If you embed multiple tours on a single page, we would strongly recommend using the Javascript embed code, as it will help the page manage the embeds and make sure the performance of the player is optimal. If you use the Javascript embed - the first embed on the page will always auto play. If you use the HTML embed - this will be random, as it depends on which iframe loads first.
This section contains a collection of various toggles related of the player features, such as fullscreen, mouse wheel zoom, keyboard controls, gyroscope and instructions.

The instructions come in several languages. If would like to have the instructions show in a language that is not on the list, please get in touch with us and will add it. We may ask you to help us translate it.
Auto rotate and autoplay
In this section you can set the auto-rotate and auto-play functions of the player. Please note that auto-play is only available if you are exporting a tour, not a single post.
For an indepth discussion of this features, please check this blog post.
The Appearance section contains setting related to the player's user interface. You can set the margin and transparency of the UI elements as well as select a type of navigation that will be used in the player (thumbnails, arrows or no navigation at all).

This section is only available to PRO and Business users and focuses on elements related to contact info, branding and whitelabeling of the player.

All the elements that can be set in this section are visualized on the the screenshot below: the contact card, INFO button and the custom logo.

Virtual Reality (VR)
This last section allows to toggle the Virtual Reality headset mode in embeds. If this box is selected, the VR mode will be availabke on supported devices - mobile phones and integrated VR headsets such as Oculus Go and Quest.