Text Formatting

Kuula is also about simplicity, this is why we didn't want to clutter the user interface with toolbars for rich text formatting. Instead, you can use a simple formatting syntax in your text input.
The syntax used in Kuula is a subset of the Markdown text formatting language.
The formatting rules described below are supported in:
- Post descriptions
- Tour descriptions
- Profile bio
- Text in interactive cards
- Comments *
* To avoid spam URLs are not automactically turned into links in comments.
Space and new lines
You can write plain text in the description and format it using spaces and/or new lines.
Bold & italic
If you would like to emphasize a word or a sentence, you can use a bold font. Just mark the beginning and the end of the bold text with a double star (**), like this:
**Bold line**
Bold **word** in the middle of the sentence.
In a similar way, wrapping text in a single star (*) symbol, will make it italic. Like this:
*Italic line*
Italic *word* in the middle of the sentence.
If you really need to emphasize something, you can use bold and italic at the same time:
***Bold italic line***
Bold and italic ***word*** in the middle of the sentence.
Website URLs and emails are automatically turned into clickable links. For example, any of those strings will be automatically turned into a link:
You can also create text links, using the syntax [Link text](link url)
. For example [Google](www.google.com)
will be formatted as the word "Google" linked to the Google homepage, but the URL itself will not be printed.
Below are some more examples of text links. Note that this formatting works not just with URLs but also with emails and telephone numbers.
[Paris on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris)
[Email us!](contact@kuula.co)
[Call us](+1323-555-2120)
Telephone numbers
Similar to URLs, a variety of telephone numbers are recognized and turned into a clickable link:
(202) 555 0199
+1 202-555-0138
+44 1632 960558
93 138 2321
A number with no spaces, dashes or other formatting will not be considered a valid phone number. Example:
93 138 2321 - valid
+931382321 - valid
(93)1382321 - valid
931382321 - not valid
You can add bulleted lists to your text using this syntax:
- List item 1
- List item 2
- List item 3
Horizontal rule
To add a Horizontal rule in the text, use 3 dashes in one line:
User names
If you want to mention another Kuula user, write their name starting with the @ symbol. A link to the users profile will be automatically created:
Power notation
The mathematical "power of" notation is supported. It can be used in surface or volume units, like for example "squared feet" - 2000ft2 or "cubic meters" - 10m3. The format is:
2000ft^2 -> 2000ft2
10m^3 -> 10m3
HTML Entities
You can also use HTML entities like the examples below:
360° -> 360°
20€ -> 20€
You can explore hundreds of useful HTML symbol entities on this page. Whenever you want to use a symbol, copy and paste its "HTML Code" or "HTML Entity" from the list.