Nadir patches
Nadir and zenith patches are a great way to add branding to your posts and also to cover unwanted elements in a photo, such as a tripod... or the top of your head ;)
The Image function can be used to cover these parts of the photo with an image, graphic or logo. To learn how to do that, watch the video below and/or read the article.
Nadir Patch - video tutorial by Best360
Patching with the 'Image' function
Your images may have a visible tripod on the bottom (nadir) like this one:

You can use the Image function to upload and cover that part of the photo:

To achieve the best results, we recommend using round shaped PNG images with a transparency layer.
You can upload a new image or reuse one of previously uploaded images - this makes it easy to apply the same patch to every photo in a tour.
Once the image is uploaded, it will appear in the Your Assets tab along all the images you uploaded before.

After you select the image, it will show up in the 360 photo and then you can position it by drag and drop and scale it using the slider on the right hand side in a way that it covers the entire area of the tripod. Once you are satisfied with the result, hit SAVE and you're done!
When you look down in the photo now, the tripod will be covered with the image:

Of course it's not limited to the bottom part of the image. You can apply a patch to the top part of the image (zenith) or anywhere else on the sphere. You can also add multiple images to a photo - so you can get quite creative with this function!
Reuse the patch on other photos
Reuse in the same tour
If you want to have the same nadir patch visible across all posts in a tour, simply check the Master box in the settings, as shown below:

To learn more about master addons, take a look at this tutorial.
Reuse in other tours and posts
To use the same nadir patch in another tour you can use the copy/paste function. To copy and paste addons, you can use the Addon Tools menu to use the C and V keyboard shortcuts.
For more information check the Editing Addons and Keyboard Shortcuts tutorials.
Branded nadir patches
A nadir patch often features a logo or other information about the photographer or realtor. It's a great way to add some branding to your tours, but most MLS systems do not accept this kind of element within a tour. To make it easier to export the tour for MLS, you can select the "Contains branding" checkbox in the settings.

This way, tours exported for MLS will hide those elements and make the tour MLS-compliant.
Retouching the nadir
The way of patching the nadir as shown above is quick and simple. A more advanced technique consists of patching & retouching the tripod area using image editing software such as Photoshop or Affinity Photo. If you would like to learn more, please see this blog post.