Web applications like the Kuula Editor can be difficult to troubleshoot. There is a large number of browsers and platforms available and they come in many different versions and configurations. If you come across an issue, a thing that can help us figure out what's going on is the content of browser's developer console.
Accessing the console
Accesing the console works differently in different web browsers. Below, you can find instructions on how to open it. Please note that the console is only accesible on desktop browsers (Windows or MacOS).
Google Chrome
To open the developer console in Google Chrome, open the Chrome Menufrom the upper-right-hand corner of the browser window and select More Tools > Developer Tools. You can also use the shortcut shiftJ.

After the developer panel opens, you need to make sure the Console tab is selected.

Mozilla Firefox
To open the developer console in Firefox, click on the menu in the upper-right-hand corner of the browser and select Web Developer > Web Console. You can also use the shortcut shiftK.

After the developer panel opens, you need to make sure the Console tab is selected.

Microsoft Edge
To open the developer console in MS Edge, open the menu in the upper-right-hand corner of the browser window and select More tools > Developer tools. You can also press shiftJ to open it.

After the developer panel opens, you need to make sure the Console tab is selected.

Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer is no loger actively developed by Microsoft and we do not recommend using this browser for uploading photos or editing tours. The Kuula team still supports the virtual tour player on IE 11, but this support will end soon as well. Versions older than IE 11 are no longer supported.
If you are still using IE, we strongly recommend switching to MS Edge, Chrome or Firefox.
Intercepting the issues and reporting them
After you launch the browser developer console, you can go to the Kuula website and attempt to reproduce the sequence of actions (uploading, editing etc...) that caused the problem in the first place.
When performing these actions, you may see red text showing up in the console. This can be a valuable information about an error that occured in the app. Please copy it or make a screenshot and send it back to our customer support.